This week Will (@wattswc) | @wattswc_vg joins Mike (@AssaultSuit), Tiny (@Tiny415) and Aaron (@Ind1fference) to talk about Disney remakes, retro games, MCU, Castlevania games, Boondocks and more video games

This week Will (@wattswc) | @wattswc_vg joins Mike (@AssaultSuit), Tiny (@Tiny415) and Aaron (@Ind1fference) to talk about Disney remakes, retro games, MCU, Castlevania games, Boondocks and more video games
This week Sliderwave (@sliderwave) joins Mike (@AssaultSuit), Tiny (@Tiny415) and Aaron (@Ind1fference) to talk about video games, comic books, movies, gas station tacos, Burger King tacos and more video games.
This week Will (@The_Wesson) joins Mike (@AssaultSuit), Tiny (@Tiny415) and  Aaron (@Ind1fference) to talk about table top games, movies, games, tv shows and more games.