Aaron plays some Dogfight A Sausage Bomber Story on Steam.

Aaron plays some Dogfight A Sausage Bomber Story on Steam.
Chorus Worldwide and Alfa System are pleased to announce that Sisters Royale: Five Sisters Under Fire, the Japanese shmup from veteran Japanese developers Alfa System, arrives this week on Xbox One.
Aaron gets a demo for Bullet, a shoot ’em up board game, via Tabletop Simulator from Joshua from Level99 Games.
Aaron plays some Rym 9000 for the PS4.
Aaron plays some Fast Striker on PS4.
Left out in the sun
+ functional shoot ’em up
+ varied cast of playable characters
– doesn’t do anything particularly special
– seems like letters for ice cream don’t completely appear with regularity
– sound effects are…where are they?
– that plot!
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