Aaron plays Wonder Boy Collection on the Switch. This collection features Wonder Boy, Wonder Boy in Monster Land, Wonder Boy in Monster World and Monster World IV.

Aaron plays Wonder Boy Collection on the Switch. This collection features Wonder Boy, Wonder Boy in Monster Land, Wonder Boy in Monster World and Monster World IV.
Aaron plays some of Clockwork Aquario on the PS5.
This week J(@AlltheWayJ27) and Cody(@CLCodyClark) join Tiny (@Tiny415) and  Aaron (@Ind1fference) to talk about Extra Life, video games, board games, mutton and more video games.
Toy Story3, Black Mirror, White Bear, Animorph, Dead by Daylight, Left 4 Dead, Fortnite, Gin Blossoms, Black Panther, Simpsons World, Barts House of Weirdness, Simpsons Road Rage, Simpsons Hit n Run, Utomik, Gametap, Batman Arkham Asylum BlackGate, Ty Lawson, Gerald Lawson, Fairchild Channel F, Microsoft, Sega, Kinect, Vanquish, Bayonetta, Sea of Thieves, Tomb Raider, Simon West, Shadow of the Colossus, Get Over It, Super Mario Bros. Movie, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, J’ean Darc, ARMS, Wolfensteins II The New Colossus, Catlateral Damage, Dandara, Hello Neighbor, Knockout League, Bridge Constructor Portal, Child of Eden, Celeste, Crackdown, Timothy VS the Aliens, Jungle Book, Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade, Scramble Spirits, violence in video games, Matilda,
 GameEnthus Podcast ep234: Wick Black or Lego Scarn This week
A look back at an old Sega Card game that
A look back at an old Sega Card game that
A look back at an old Sega Card game that
This week Kenny(@CreativityDNE) and Andre(@Otakuman5000) from RealOtakuGamer join Mike(@Assaultsuit)and Aaron (@Ind1fference)
Have Game, Will Play: Castle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse
A game rich in Ron Gilbert-ness.
Why was this ever created? Who asked for this?
The Sega gang is racing again and this time
Who won’t a dead rabbit kill to hide a
Cruelty to animals(by other animals) straight out of left
Virtua Fighter 5 Final Showdown