Aaron plays Fledgling Heroes on the Nintendo Switch and ponders what it’s like to flap in style.

Aaron plays Fledgling Heroes on the Nintendo Switch and ponders what it’s like to flap in style.
Aaron plays A Knight’s Quest on the Switch and appreciates the willingness of more developers to create 3D action adventure platformers.
Aaron plays some Trine 4 The Nightmare Prince and wonders why he waited so long to return to the series.
Aaron plays some Hoggy 2 and has some concerns about the protagonists’ responses to having their kids kidnapped.
Aaron jumps around in a familiar and fun way in Jet Kave Adventure on the Switch.
Gunbird, Nintendo Switch, Gunbird Review, Nintendo eshop, Sega Saturn, Shoot ’em ups, Shmups, ZeroDiv Inc.
Old Man’s Journey, Old Man’s Journey review, Nintendo eshop, Steam, iOS, Android, Nintendo Switch
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