This week Kosa(@LadyKosa) and Michal J.(@GravityAllergy) join Mike (@AssaultSuit), Tiny (@Tiny415) and  Aaron (@Ind1fference) to talk about Pax East, video games, movies and more video games.
Tag: Metroid Prime Trilogy
GameEnthus ep239: Get Warty with it or Fist Full of Wiimote
GameEnthus ep239: Get Warty with it or Fist Full of
GameEnthus Podcast ep215: Plastic of Davis or MajiMonsters
 This week Tiny(@Tiny415), Mike(@AssaultSuit) and Aaron (@Ind1fference) chat with Jon
GameEnthus ep212: Beautiful Garbage or Streetpassed
 This week Ben(@BCTerps) stops by GameEnthus HQ to talk
GameEnthus Podcast ep103: Down for The Cause or Rubber Retribution
Topics: Valve, Origin, Dyad, GoodBadFlicks, Lollipop Chainsaw, The Gate