This week Mike (@AssaultSuit), Tiny (@Tiny415) and Aaron (@Ind1fference) return to talk about: The Suicide Squad, Marvel What If?, Deadpool, Loki, Steam Deck, Game Swap, Ys Origin, Space Jam, Ben Hur,
Ratchet & Clank A Rift Apart, Ayo the Clown, Back 4 Blood, Alexx Kidd in Miracle World, Stitchy in Tooki Trouble, Cotton Reboot, Cannon Brawl, Mass Effect Trilogy, New Pokemon Snap, Game Builder Garage, Dead Space, Metroid Prime, MisTer, Divvy Dice, Terraforming Mars, Dimension, Synchronized, Wicked & Wise, Reinforcements, Turf Wars, LOTS: Filled in, Jenga, Uno, Udraw, Psychonauts, Sonic 2, and more.
Tag: Loki
GameEnthus Podcast ep359: Manta CavillStache Swimsanity or Ys Up
This week Ahmed and Khalil from Decoy Games(@DecoyGames) makers of Swimsanity join Aaron(@Ind1fference) to talk about their game Swimsanity, movies, video games, game development, comics and more video games.