This week Jovan (@hovalatos) joins Mike (@AssaultSuit), Tiny (@Tiny415) and Aaron (@Ind1fference) to talk about video games, Star Trek Discovery, analog games, The Boys, parking woes, Alita Battle Angel and more video games.

This week Jovan (@hovalatos) joins Mike (@AssaultSuit), Tiny (@Tiny415) and Aaron (@Ind1fference) to talk about video games, Star Trek Discovery, analog games, The Boys, parking woes, Alita Battle Angel and more video games.
GameEnthus Podcast ep265: Pancakes of Doom or Parker Lewis Can
This week Tiny(@Tiny415) , Mike(@AssaultSuit) and Aaron(@Ind1fference) chat with Cody(@CLCodyClark)
This week Mike(@AssaultSuit) Tiny(@Tiny415) and Aaron(@Ind1fference) chat with Adam(@GameMachineTV)
Aaron plays the Castlevania Lords of Shadow 2 demo from
Developer MercurySteam released the original Castlevania Lords of Shadow Mirror
Seems as though Dance Central and Just Dance aren’t the
More Raiden. More slashy. Less stealth. Not that there’s
Hanging out by the pond, that is adjacent to an
Funny what you’ll buy for $5. Since it went on
Developer: Konami/Backbone Ent. Publisher: Konami Platforms: XBLA/PSN Price: $10/800 Allards