This week Mandy(@ladyluck34) joins Mike(@AssaultSuit) and Aaron(@Ind1fference) to talk about: Avengers Infinity War, Avengers Age of Ultron, Monster Hunter, Wonder Woman, Suicide Squad, Bill and Ted 3, Blade Runner 2049, Dumb and Dumber too, Fortnite, Movie Pass, Battletoads, Deadpool 2, Uncharted The Lost Legacy, PUBG, Rocket League, Breath of the Wild, Dishonored, FX Unit Yuki, Don’t Die Mr Robot DX, Super Lucky’s Tale, A Robot Named Fight, Wizard of Legend, Garage, Suicide Guy, Spartan Fist, Fox n Forest, Trailblazers, Death Road to Canada, Burnout Paradise, Burnout Revenge, Burnout Takedown, Google Duplex and more.