Knitting Circle A Calico Game Preview – Match, Knit, Wear…Win

Knitting Circle A Calico Game Preview – Match, Knit, Wear…Win

#KnittingCircle #Calico #Flatoutgames

Aaron previews Knitting Circle A Calico Game from Flatout Games.

Full Disclosure: This game or prototype was provided to GameEnthus by the PR rep, publisher, designer or developer.

Genre/Mechanisms: open drafting, pattern building, tile placement

Designer(s)/Developer(s): Emily Vincent

Artist(s): Beth Sobel

Publisher: Flatout Games

Platform(s): a flat surface

Player(s): 1-4

Publisher Age Recommendation: 10+

Play Time: 30-45 min



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Knitting Circle, Calico, Knitting Circle A Calico Game, Emily Vincent, Beth Sobel, Flatout Games, board games,