GameEnthus Podcast ep43: That Big the Cat $ or New kids vs Old games

VenomousFatman of the Real Otaku Gamer joins the GameEnthus crew this week. Our topics include but are not limited to: Anonymous, WWE Day of Reckoning 2, Mario Sunshine, Dissidia Duodecim, WWE All-Stars, Lego Star Wars 3, Divinity 2 demo, Freaking Inkies, Stem Stumper, Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes, Dragon Age 2, Portal (again), Batman: Brave & The Bold, Team Fortress 2,Battlefield 4 Free, Splinter Cell 3DS, Yar’s Revenge, and more. Hope you enjoy the show and feel free to leave us, hopefully positive, feedback on itunes and/or the Zune Marketplace. When you’re done listening check out our forums, leave us some voicemail @ (202) 573-7686 or email us at We also added Disqus to the site so if you want to use that to comment on the show feel free.


Show length: ~116min

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