Have Game, Will Play: SteamWorld Dig PS4

The Town of Tumbleton is struggling a bit. Calling it a town is a bit generous as it has a population of 3. Rusty, the protagonist, has a Clint Eastwood/man with no name vibe. Rusty’s recently deceased uncle has left him the deed to a mine. Rusty who isn’t too fond or familiar with digging, decides to stick around and help out the townsfolk.

SteamWorld Dig takes players down into the depths of a variety of underground mines. The HUD (heads up display) contains a map that is integral to traversing the subterranean levels. Digging, gathering metals and minerals for trade allow players to better equip Rusty for the dangers found below. A basic necessity, like light, cannot be taken for granted and if you don’t run out you’re playing in the dark. That may not seem that perilous but there are many enemies in the mines and fall damage is also present.

The beginning of the game moves a bit slow but as soon as you get your first pickaxe upgrade(within 10-12 minutes) things pick up. SteamWorld Dig is a very fun platformer with a large list of upgradable items and abilities. The inevitable chore of backtracking to the surface is even mitigated with teleporters. Image & Form have put together a fun game with some depth(pun intended) that can be enjoyed by fans of platformers and adventure games alike.

Recommendation: Buy this game
Full Disclosure: This game was provided to GameEnthus by a PR firm on behalf of the developer/publisher.
Genre: platformer, adventure
Developer: Image & Form
Publisher: Image & Form
Platforms: PS4/PS Vita(cross-buy), PC, 3DS
Price: $9.99



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