Aaron plays A Knight’s Quest on the Switch and appreciates the willingness of more developers to create 3D action adventure platformers.

Aaron plays A Knight’s Quest on the Switch and appreciates the willingness of more developers to create 3D action adventure platformers.
Aaron plays some Family Tree on the Switch and can’t stop thinking about cannibalism.
Aaron plays some Trine 4 The Nightmare Prince and wonders why he waited so long to return to the series.
Aaron plays some Yooka-Laylee and The Impossible Lair on the Switch and is very pleased with the direction the series is taking. Aaron was also pleased with the original.
Aaron feels like he’s played this before and that’s ok.
Aaron jumps around in a familiar and fun way in Jet Kave Adventure on the Switch.
Aaron and his youngest daughters “work” together in the coop mode of Le Cartel’s Heave Ho.
Aaron gets into the swing and physics of things in the solo mode of Le Cartel’s Heave Ho.
Aaron plays some Invasion of AlienX Earth in Crisis and thwarts off the invasion….until he doesn’t.
Aaron edutains himself with what lies beneath in Human Anatomy VR for PSVR.
Aaron plays some Exception in an attempt to clean physical and electrical house.
Aaron plays some Rogue Singularity and thinks of sunshine and jazzy music.
Aaron plays some Raiders of the North Sea on PC via Steam.
Aaron plays some Mystic Vale on steam with all of the season pass content.
Aaron plays some Eight-Minute Empire on the Switch and conquers the (in-game)map in record time.
Aaron plays some Hamsterdam on the Switch and bodies all(many of) the woodland creatures.
Aaron plays Fantasy Strike on the Nintendo Switch and punches the faces.
Aaron plays The Forbidden Arts on the Nintendo Switch and walks down a new memory lane.
Aaron goes all orbital in two dimensions in Gravity Ghost Deluxe Edition for the PS4.
Aaron plays some Redeemer: Enhanced Edition for the Nintendo Switch and controls a man who just wants to meditate. He is unfortunately forced to punch hundreds of people in the face to their death, at best.
Aaron has some fun learning how to properly play the rock paper scissors infused vertical shooter Pawarumi.
Aaron does the right thing for the wrong reasons while playing Robbie Swifthand and the Orbs of Mysteries.
Aaron points and clicks at hilarity in Irony Curtain: From Matryoshka with Love.
Aaron solves (a few) puzzles in She Remembered Caterpillars and occasionally remembers how to fly.
Aaron has fun learning the ins and outs of Etherborn on the Xbox One.