Aaron speaks with Mikkel Bertelsen about his incredibly fun epic
Category: EnthusPlays/T
Evolution (Switch) Pax Unplugged Interview – North Star Games | GameEnthus
Aaron speaks with Scott Rancher from North Star Games about
North Star Games Pax Unplugged 2019 Interview – Oceans | Taverns of Tiefenthal | Quacks of Quedlinburg
Aaron speaks with Bruce from North Star Games at Pax Unplugged 2019 about their new and highly acclaimed games including: The Quacks of Quedlinburg , The Taverns of Tiefenthal, Evolution, Oceans, Happy Salmon, Wits & Wagers and more.
Exceed: Street Fighter – EnthusPlays/T | GameEnthus
Aaron goes into some detail about Exceed: Street Fighter in a new video series, EnthusPlays/T, about analog games.
Raiders of the North Sea (Steam) – EnthusPlays | GameEnthus
Aaron plays some Raiders of the North Sea on PC via Steam.
Mystic Vale Mana Storm/Season Pass (Steam) – EnthusPlays | GameEnthus
Aaron plays some Mystic Vale on steam with all of the season pass content.
Eight-Minute Empire (Switch) – EnthusPlays | GameEnthus
Aaron plays some Eight-Minute Empire on the Switch and conquers the (in-game)map in record time.
Shards of Infinity (Steam) – EnthusPlays | GameEnthus
Aaron plays some Shards of Infinity on PC via steam and wonders why he’s so late to the deck building card game craze.
Mystic Vale (Steam) – EnthusPlays | GameEnthus #MysticVale #NomadGames
Aaron attempts to explain and then play some Mystic Vale on PC.