GameEnthus Podcast ep 53: Traffic Snarl or Reviewing the process

The GameEnthus crew is joined by @Gnitro of, Andre/@otakuman5000 from and Jason/@Bevnerd from Our topics this week include but are not limited to: WWE All-Stars, Ocarina of Time, Duke Nukem, indie circuit wrestling, Child of Eden, Kinect Fun Labs, Flint & Burt AstroCity Homocide, Trenched, Lucha Fury, Bejeweled Blitz Live, Dungeon Siege III, Deathsmiles IIX, Bullet Soul Tama Tamashii and more. Hope you enjoy the show and feel free to leave us, hopefully positive, feedback on itunes and/or the Zune Marketplace. When you’re done listening check out our forums, leave us some voicemail @ (202) 573-7686 or email us at


Show length: ~127mins Direct Download *right click to Download

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@Bevnerd @Otakuman5000 @RealOtakuGamer @Gnitro

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Show Music

Intro – De La Soul – Verbal Clap

Break 1 – Black Star – Brown Skin Lady

Break 2 – 2Pac – Got my mind made up

Break 3 – Wu-Tang Clan – Pinky Ring(Uzi)

Break 4 – Boston – More than a feeling

Outro – Ennio Morricone – Ecstasy of Gold

Showcap – Limahl and Beth Anderson – The Never Ending Story


  1. I kinda side with GNitro’s idea and Tiny’s words. Both of them kinda missed the real problem imo. Yes as a professional (and if you’re getting games early or getting paid then you’re a professional) you need to conduct yourself with a degree of professional conduct. I don’t care if everyone wants to slam the game. That’s your right as a reviewer displaying your opinion. But you can’t call it names like you’re a kindergardener.

    As far as the publisher review issue I don’t care. I think as a publisher you’re perfectly ok if you want to slap an embargo  on reviews lower than X. As long as you aren’t telling people what to score then gaming sites need to stop being pansies and suck it up. Give the game a 7 and wait till release day. I call it integrity. Like it was said on the show gaming reviewers are being brattish. They expect games early as possible and want to publish their reviews as soon as 12 hours.

    I don’t support the ‘anti score’ stance though. Numbers DO have value they’re just never used correctly.

  2. I agreed with you up until the part about the publishers. I understand why they flex their muscle but I don’t think it’s right. If reviewer X wants to put out a negative review, so be it. But honestly it could be everyone’s fault especially if reviewer X changes the score to get the review out early. So….yeah we should just blame all parties involved.

    As far as the anti-score stance, I agree with it too much is placed on an alphanumerical score.

  3. I think i said this on some other forum somewhere but from the publisher
    perspective I consider it not unethical but entirely
    . They are after all under zero obligation to give “you” a
    copy of the game weeks before release date. I consider it on par with not
    bringing a gift to a birthday party. Entirely your right and entirely and
    extremely rude.

  4. Right you are. I’ve seen people come to bday parties without gifts.  Gross!

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